Public Education
Public education is central to the success of this state and this community. Our current Republican supermajority is taking your hard-earned tax dollars out of our local schools to give to wealthy families in Raleigh and Charlotte so they can pay for private school that their kids already attend. Wilson County's public schools are projected to lose $2.5 million because of Republican voucher schemes.
Meanwhile, our teachers are being forgotten, we have shortages in school support staff and our children are paying the price. We know what our community schools can do when given a fair shot. I know because I am a product of Wilson County Schools. Our community needs strong public schools that value their teachers, encourage collaboration with parents and give our children the tools they need to succeed.
I will be a tireless advocate for better funding for our public schools, including increased teacher pay, more school counselors and support staff, and expanded Pre-K programs.

Healthcare Access
As the Board Chair of Wilson County Department of Social Services, I have seen the impact that accessible healthcare has on our residents. With the expansion of Medicaid, thousands of hard-working Wilson County residents are finally receiving healthcare services, but North Carolina's families are still struggling with the high-cost of healthcare. We need to continue working to lower drug and prescription costs and improve telehealth options so healthcare is affordable and accessible to everyone.
North Carolinians deserve access to high-quality healthcare and talented doctors, and we have to fight to strengthen our public schools, lower housing costs, and stop the political overreach into our healthcare systems to make sure North Carolina is an attractive place to live for new doctors and healthcare providers.
Economic Development
North Carolina must invest in economic opportunities in places like Wilson and Nash Counties. We cannot afford for all of our opportunities and new businesses to be concentrated in urban areas. I’m committed to making sure we are promoting our local economy by recruiting industries that will invest in high-quality paying jobs, connecting students to small business opportunities, and providing our small businesses with the necessary resources to thrive and survive.
When I sat on the Board of Directors for the Wilson Chamber of Commerce, one of the top metrics that were discussed were the number of community businesses that were opening and closing. Wilson is expanding and we are recruiting major corporations to have locations here in this community, but we cannot forget about our small businesses. We need a balanced approach in order to have a healthy future.

Affordable Housing
North Carolina has a housing affordability problem. As a young homeowner, I know firsthand how difficult it can be for families to find affordable homes that fit their needs. We need to expand out housing options to make sure that hardworking families are not forgotten as our community grows. I will fight for North Carolina to invest in Wilson County so we can expand our housing options by building more homes and revamping existing abandoned properties.
Balanced Leadership
North Carolina is a balanced state, and it deserves balanced leadership. Instead of focusing on the issues that matter to everyday North Carolinians like you and me, our state legislature has manufactured culture wars to win political points at your expense. The current Republican supermajority has gerrymandered our districts, attacked our freedoms, and is holding progress for our state hostage in order to tow the party line. I’m committed to working with and for everyone, regardless of their background or political affiliation, so we can fight for the important issues affecting North Carolina’s families.

Reproductive Healthcare
Protecting individual freedoms, including the freedom to make private medical decisions without the input of politicians, is the most important job of any legislator. I support a woman’s right to choose without political interference. We need to expand rural healthcare access, increase funding for maternal mortality research, and stop the culture wars that turn doctors into political pawns so we can attract quality healthcare providers.
Early Childhood
Early childhood education is the most important cause we can take on to ensure our education results increase and our students succeed. Ensuring our children have a strong start can have a profound impact on the education of a student for years to come. Early childhood education is also one of the leading anti-poverty efforts that we have. Investing in early childhood programs so our children have the resources needed to thrive sets them up for success, while allowing their parents the opportunity to pursue their own career aspirations. I have served on the Wilson County Partnership for Children board and have seen the need for North Carolina to get serious about our investment in early childhood education.